Lessons in Leadership
At GoGlobal we work with leaders.
Leaders of startups. Leaders of corporations. Leaders of investment funds. Leaders in the global technology ecosystem.
My own leadership was strengthened in 2006 as a participant in a women’s leadership training program called Women Leaders for the World.
The program is now operated by How Women Lead, but when I attended the program it was run by the Global Women’s Leadership Network.
To the founder and former chair of the board, Linda Alepin, I owe much of the development of the last 15 years of my professional career - for what she created through GWLN and the Women Leaders for the World Program and the work she’s doing now at You As a Global Leader.
Thank you Linda for gifting me a copy of your book, Shifting Context. In honor of your book launch, I’m sharing the top three lessons I learned from WLW that I still use in my work today.
We are global citizens. We are all in this together. We have the power - and the responsibility - to address global challenges with our unique gifts and talents.
Network - Enroll others in your vision for what’s possible. Talk to people. Create win-win opportunities. What do you need? What can you give.
Masculine vs. Feminine Leadership - They go hand in hand. They support each other. They are yin and yang. Different situations may require masculine leadership styles while other may benefit from feminine leadership styles. Men and women have both leadership styles within them.
Who has helped shape your professional life and career? What is the top lesson you learned from him or her? Who are you thankful for lighting your path?
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